Special edition on Artificial Intelligence in La Libre Eco

Kantify in the special edition of La Libre Eco on Artificial Intelligence
Mon 06 Feb 2023

This week-end, in La Libre Eco, the Economy weekend edition of national newspaper La Libre, we were able to read a summary of the contributions of several Belgian AI stakeholders to the Belgian economy and society, across many industries and verticals.

AI for Health

In the section on AI for Health, Kantify testifies about the use of AI in medicine and how Kantify speeds up the discovery of therapies (small molecules and degraders) thanks to our AI technology for small molecule discovery Sapian.

Dr Giovanni Briganti, Chair of Ai and Digital Medicine at Mons University, also gives in this article a briliiant overview of the use of AI in medicine.

Learn more

The full edition is available here ( in French, subscription needed).